Day 534... 10 ways to make the holidays more sustainable
October is my favorite month for many reasons - the weather gets cooler, my birthday happens, it's apple picking season, and it ends with Halloween - the start of the holiday season. Unfortunately during the holiday season, Americans are producing 25% more trash and are adding an extra 1 million tons of wrapping paper alone to the landfill according to the EPA(1). It's very easy to walk into a store in the second half of the year and see decorations that are a must have. It's easy to buy a Halloween costume from a big store that isn't the best quality but is cheap. It's easy to buy the perfect wrapping paper for every single gift. However, the climate crisis is still present, and ur purchasing choices make an impact on the environment. Creating sustainable holidays can have a positive impact on the environment and that requires individual changes that force big corporations to update their strategy away from making the fast fashion of holidays. Below are some tips...