Vegan Nutella

Homemade products are almost always better than store bought in my opinion. Store bought nutella is not vegan, so it is not even an option for me to buy. So when I saw hazelnuts in the bulk section at Sprouts, I knew I had to make my own. I looked up a few variations on Pinterest, but I did not see one that I wanted to try. I attempted to make my own based on what I thought would work well together. I used hazelnuts, cocoa powder, maple syrup, coconut oil, and almond milk to create this vegan nutella. It is best stored in the fridge, and it goes well on sandwiches or as an ingredient in my mug cake recipe. Please like, share, and follow for more content! And let me know how you like this recipe! Vegan Nutella Yield: 1 batch Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 25 minutes Ingredients Hazelnuts | 1 cup Cocoa Powder | 3 tbsps Maple Syrup | 3 tbsps Coconut Oil | 1 tbsp Almond Milk | 1/4 - 1/2 cup Salt | to taste Directions...